Sunday 9 June 2013

Poem 2: Feather

By Catherine Cao

I pick up a pure white feather
That glows softly in my hand
For some reason I don't remember
My mind is filled with sand

Despite my poor memory
I can remember a bird 
Singing in early January
a song that doesn't need a word

I can remember sitting
On my patio chair
and finding myself submitting
To that wonderful song in the air

Then suddenly and without a sound
The bird falls to the ground


"Feather"  is an abstract poem about hope. It sneaks into your memory and blends in, and you work for and reach towards it. However, if you become lazy to try and enjoy it without the work, it will disappear just as quickly as it appeared. 

This poem is an English sonnet, following the rhyme scheme of 'abab cdcd efef gg'

This poem is a metaphor that can also be conceived as symbolism, comparing hope to a bird. It also makes use of imagery in the first two lines, describing the feather itself.

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